Wake up your Higher Self with Bufo Alvarius Therapy
Despierta tu Yo Superior con la Terapia Bufo Alvarius
The medicine of Bufo or the Toad as it is sometimes called, is a powerful medicine that induces spiritual awakening experiences. Bufo alvarius is a semi-aquatic amphibian that lives in the Sonoran desert of Mexico. Their cutaneous glands contain more than a dozen tryptamine compounds, including bufotenin and 5-MeO-DMT, also known as The God Molecule, that is an endogenous neuro transmitter of the human brain.
When our brain receives a sufficient amount of the medicine it is configured in advanced mode; we experience an “absolute dissolution of the ego”. The sense of individuality is completely lost and all the barriers that separate us from other essences dissolve, merging for a few minutes with the source of all energy and consciousness in the universe, leading one to have a feeling of absolute inner peace and gratitude for life.
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Private session with two facilitators. Couple price 8,000mxn.
1 hr 30 min
5,000 Mexican pesos
The experience is excellent for healing traumas that appear as anxiety, depression, addictions, among other mental disorders, even serious ones such as schizophrenia, mania or paranoia. It is also highly recommended for apparently healthy people, improving understanding of oneself and the nature of reality, to resolve emerging mental and emotional knots, which without resolution can physically manifest as psychosomatic illnesses.
We at the Bufo Alvarius Sanctuary have perfected a safe method and setting for the application of this most powerful natural medicine known to mankind, avoiding any injuries for almost 5 years within the thousands of sessions.
DISCLAIMER: The breakthrough experiences are not safe to experiment without first and foremost; a proper setting and preparation, and secondly an experienced/trusted facilitator. There are reported cases of death of a participant, for a lack of either one of the aforementioned safety requirements. (Not a single one caused by the medicine itself, only for an improper application of it.)
See the Guidelines for the preparation and safe pre condition.
"Not only are you a result of billions of years of evolutionary success, you are more. Dare to uncover who you really are, transcend the physical and wake up to a
higher state of consciousness."
- Dr. Alvarius
- 10,000 Mexican pesos
- 15,000 Mexican pesos
- 25,000 Mexican pesos
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Sauna - Ice - 3xKambo - Sound - Light - Float - Psilocybin - Ibogaine - Bufo - Integration - Massage
80,000 Mexican pesos