Detoxify your body with the Kambo ceremony
What is Kambo for?
Kambo is a purgative medicine that stimulates the immune system indigenous to Brazil and Peru; it is considered the Vaccine of the Amazon. People have used Kambo for centuries to heal and cleanse the body by strengthening its natural defenses, attracting positive energies and warding off bad luck. Kambo is also recommended before Ceremonies with other natural medicines; you will feel more grounded and open to receiving its teachings.
How does it work?
Kambo is a holistic method, a remedy that can be used for physical problems, mental and energetic ailments. Peptides found in the giant leaf frog trigger hyperactivity in the immune system, eliminating toxicity both physically and psycho-spiritually.
On the physical level - Kambo helps detoxify the body, strengthen the immune system and activate the self-healing power. It serves as a natural antibiotic, antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and pain reliever. It cleanses the blood, improves overall well-being, and may also enhance physical performance and vigor.
On the mental level - Kambo helps to cleanse the overburdened mind and negative emotions. Most people report mental clarity and strong optimism after treatment which correlates with healing from depression, anxiety, and pain. Symptoms of exhaustion can often be alleviated, and in some cases, increased mental focus and strong willpower are also reported.
On the energetic level - Kambo is defined by its ability to remove bad luck or negative energy. Members of Amazonian tribes still use Kambo to have more luck when hunting and capturing a large animal. In Western culture we can use kambo to improve our daily lives, such as finding a job and being more successful at it, which might correspond to archaic desires to be the best hunter. In the modern world we can use Kambo to be more successful in anything one aspires to.
It is absolutely fine to do Kambo once simply to try it out, but we encourage those who are intent to give it at least 2 or 3 sessions to allow Kambo to work on deeper levels. The first session is usually an introduction to the frog spirit. It is like soaking dirty dishes before cleaning them. Sometimes you have old, hard, crusty dirt that needs to be softened a bit before it is completely cleaned. By the second session, people tend to have greater catharsis and release. By the third session, people tend to get better at navigating the experience and surrendering to it, completing the arc of their journey by moving through the experience with mastery and grace.
Please see guidelines for safe preparation and precondition.
1 hr 30 min
4,000 Mexican pesos
- 10,000 Mexican pesos
- 15,000 Mexican pesos
- 25,000 Mexican pesos
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Sauna - Ice - 3xKambo - Sound - Light - Float - Psilocybin - Ibogaine - Bufo - Integration - Massage
80,000 Mexican pesos