We believe we are the first hotel and healing sanctuary in Tulum to directly accept Bitcoin.

Our Philosophy
The initial investments in the Bufo Alvarius Sanctuary were made from a cryptocurrency investment into Ether from $0.3 back in 2014. Today it is $3,000. The founder is an avid proponent of this technology and in fact was given the intuitive insight to make the investment after taking the bufo medicine, which is known for enhancing intuitive intelligence. Not only are we the first hotel and healing centre to directly accept Bicoin, we very much embrace the philosophy behind it and welcome crypto enthusiasts to drop by and see us.
Crypytocurrency is decentralized digital money which has been designed to be used over the internet: it is a medium of exchange created and stored on the blockchain (or decentralised ledger technology) and is protected by some form of encryption. Some experts suggest it will be at the heart of the new internet, the Internet of Value.
Benjamin J Butler is a futurist who has staying at the Bufo Sanctuary and providing advice whilst completing his book about the future. He asserts that our future civilization will be based on the key principles of nature and evolution. In this sense, many of our technologies will be decentralised, self organising and peer to peer.
Against that background, Benjamin believes that crypto currency is the future of finance and represents Money 3.0: ¨Money 1.0 was phyical forms of exchange which had some form intrinsic value like gold. Money 2.0 was paper fiat currency wihch had no intrinsic value but were ´supported´by the promise of a government. Crypto is Money 3.0 because it must be the quickest, easiest, safest and cheapest way to exchange value, and it is done over the internet to ultimately it will be the most universal by far. It will disrupt 400 years of control by Central Banks and thousands of years of money which has been manipulated by governments and third parties. The massive expansion of government debt, global inflation and next financial crash will truly highlight the problems of Money 2.0¨.
This Money 3.0 possesses the characteristics of transferability, privacy, security, portability, transparency, irreversibility and safety.
"At their core, cryptocurrencies are built around the principle of a universal, inviolable ledger, one that is made fully public and is constantly being verified by these high-powered computers, each essentially acting independently of the others.”
― Paul Vigna, The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money Are Challenging the Global Economic Order
Fundamentally crypto allows individuals to take total control over their own assets. At the Bufo Alvarius Sanctuary philosophically we believe that all human beings should have freedom and sovereignty. Hence we are supporters and evangelists of this new technology: we hope to encourage others in this forward-looking and entreprenial community to get behind it just like El Salvador.